Equine - 06-01-2020 - Jason Vernon - 0 comments
Charity Quiz in January


HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. We thought we'd give you something to look forward to in January with a quiz to raise funds for a charity close to our hearts: Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. The date to book into your diairies is Thursday 30th January. Entry is £2 per person but we're looking for teams ideally (maximum 4 per team). For those of you who can't find enough to make up a team, don't worry. We can put groups together on the evening and really hope you will be there to enjoy an evening with the equine team.

If you a member of the Healthy Horse Club then entry is FREE.

Please get in touch with Jennie and Anna in order to find out more or reserve your place. Call them on 01666 826456.

It's a fabulous charity and Jo is also running the London Landmarks half marathon later in the year to raise even more for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. You can find out more about the charity here.

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