Equine - 24-03-2020 - - 0 comments
COVID-19 update from The George Equine Clinic

Please be assured we are still here to look after your horses. To ensure we limit social contact and travel and to support all measures aimed at reducing the spread of Covid-19 and to protect the NHS, we will be focussing on emergency care.

This means that calls such as pre purchase examinations, regular dentals and vaccinations and poor performance examinations will not be going ahead for the next three weeks and the situation then reviewed.

Any unwell or injured horses will be seen. We will ask you to limit the number of people present at any visit and to declare that you are free of Covid-19 symptoms and not currently self-isolating. If you have any concerns about your horses, call our office as usual (01666 826456) and we will work together to make good decisions to protect both human and horse health.

The situation with vaccines will cause concern. With all movement of horses and competition now stopped, the      pressure from equine flu is much reduced and thus so is the need for 6 monthly vaccination. The situation around 12 monthly vaccination requirements is difficult and work is going on with the regulatory bodies to try and minimise the long term implications. We will return to offering 12 monthly equine flu boosters as soon as guidance that it is reasonable to do so comes back into force. 

Please phone for any advice 01666 826456

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