Equine - 15-07-2022 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine newsletter - summer 2022

Equine newsletter - summer 2022 - click here

Open the newsletter to find out more and also see our invites to upcoming events including our summer social

Worm Egg Counts

I know we say it every time, but it's time that to recommend getting another sample sent to us for a worm egg count. We recommend performing these every 3 months throughout the summer grazing period as part of a strategic worm control plan. This way we can reduce the dependence on anthelmintics, therefore reducing the development of resistance and making an altogether more cost effective approach.


Behaviour modification

Safe vets, happy horses.

Did you know the average equine vet sustains somewhere around 7-8 significant injuries during their careers by the horses that they are treating? The horses' behaviours that lead to injury are normal responses to stressors (such as needles) when avoidance and flight are not possible.

So, what can we do? We can aim to change the horses' perception of veterinary care to less stressful, or even more positive, with some simple techniques. If you want to learn more, please get in touch. Some excellent resources to get you started are the video series on you tube entitled 'don't break your vet'.



Acupuncture is a recognised treatment for alleviating pain and  improving musculoskeletal recovery in horses. Acupuncture works to provide pain relief via endogenous opioid response as well as relaxation through the autonomic nervous system.

Our horses are used for a variety of demanding disciplines that can lead to musculoskeletal injuries presenting as myofascial  trigger points. The use of acupuncture alone or in combination with other therapies can improve the speed and quality of recovery. Acupuncture must be performed by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon; this is a service we offer at the George Equine Clinic. Want to know more? See our recent Instagram/Facebook post with Jo talking through the procedure.



Recently there have been some changes to the vaccination schedules recommended by different competition governing bodies; in particular concerning the primary vaccination course. The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) have changed the time periods between vaccinations required for horses starting their primary courses. In an attempt to make sure that all our clients are able to compete under all governing bodies we are now recommending the following vaccination protocol when starting/restarting their primary course:

  • 1st vaccination
  • 2nd vaccination: 4-6 weeks later
  • 3rd vaccination: 150-180 days later
  • Booster vaccinations: Every 6-12 months

We would still recommend checking the individual vaccination rules for the governing body you are planning to compete under prior to any competitions.
















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