Farm - 03-11-2020 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Controlling the controllables - TB

In this month's newsletter I would like to cover some aspects of TB control that are not often seen in the headlines or news articles.  

As mentioned previously by Chris in his July newsletter, significant gains have been made in reducing the new infection rate of herds with regards to TB. This is thanks to the unfaltering dedication and hard work the farming community has shown in organizing, coordinating and investing in their local area culls. Many farms have also implemented further wildlife control policies:

  •  Raising feed and water troughs to >1m high with a sheer edge- Fencing off setts and latrines to cattle
  •  Preventing badger access to stored forage and feeds
  •  Installing wildlife cameras to monitor levels of activity across different areas of the farm

The list goes on!

Addressing the risk posed by wildlife should continue to be a vital part of the UK's TB control policy but this alone will not provide the complete solution.  

Find out more in our November Newsletter from The George Farm Vets

Ben Sellick Farm Vet

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