Farm - 07-11-2023 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Farm Newsletter - Advanced Breeding

Advanced Breeding Newsletter - read in full here

Embryo Services

Over the last two years the embryo services offered at the George have grown to provide a number of options on farm for improving genetic gain and exploring alternative breeding options. 
You may have become familiar these, if involved with donor or repeat breeder programme's already. For those less familiar, this walk through will break down the processes involved and where our embryo services can work in your systems. 

The concept of embryo production and transfer has its roots in the pursuit of high genetic merit. The process has arisen to allow producers to utilize high genetic value or desirable animals on farm in 2 key steps:

1) To extend these genetics into multiple high value calves, rather than a single good calf from a single valuable dam.
2) To produce these higher merit calves from lower value animals (recipients) that would otherwise produce less valuable animals from conventional methods.

This gives an opportunity to advance the genetic progression of a herd much faster, with more flexibility and preserve genetic merit over conventional breeding methods (AI/natural mating).

Where to start?  Read the full newsletter in the link at the top of the page.

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