Farm - 22-03-2019 - Chris Warren BVetMed(Sci) Hons BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Genetics and Genomics

April's newsletter summarises what genomic testing is, how it can benefit your herd and gives you information about Clarifide, the genomic testing service we are now offering. Clarifide

Why should I care about genetics?

Production and health traits of cows is 50% nature and 50% nurture. With the best environment in the world you will never get an average genetic merit cow to produce 12000 litres. Similarly, you will not get a genetically supreme cow capable of producing 12000L to produce as expected if you don't feed her properly. As vets we spend a long time talking about the nurture side, the environment cows are kept in, husbandry and nutrition. However, genetics play a key role in how a cow performs. You may have looked at catalogues of bulls from the AI companies and picked bulls that you like and match your needs. However, few farmers will have investigated the genetics of their cows. 


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