Farm - 02-09-2020 - Grace Boardman and Lucy Fletcher - 0 comments
Grazing - Farm Newsletter

After a recent clinical club presented by Ed for the vets, we felt it would be a good time to have a quick recap of this important farming topic.

There is a plethora of options when it comes to grazing - from what you are offering your stock to graze, to the way in which you rotate them around your land. Whilst a single newsletter barely scratches the surface of grassland management, we will briefly discuss the systems of monoculture vs herbal leys, and rotational vs mob grazing. We hope that some of you may find it useful, especially if you feel that your current system isn't quite providing what you want it to.

In this newsletter, we look at grass monoculture, herbal leys, set stocking, rotational grazing and mob grazing. There is also an update on Ringvac production which is stopping for a currently undetermined time. 

September Newsletter from the Farm Vets

And September deal of the month!

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