Farm - 02-01-2019 - Sarah Metcalfe BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone's had a lovely Christmas and managed to find a little bit of time to relax.The New Year is a great time to try and do some of those little jobs which might get forgotten about - here is a list of New Year's resolutions to try and complete over the next few weeks:

1. Clean out your water troughs

2. Assess disease status of herd

3. Check your vaccinations are up to date

4. Check your Herd Health Plan is up to date

5. Get an independent mobility score of your herd

6. Check your calves are receiving enough colostrum

7. Tidy out your medicine cabinet 

8. Assess cow comfort

For more information on these and the benefits, read the full newsletter here

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