Farm - 04-10-2019 - Sarah Metcalfe BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Lameness innovations and best practice

Cattle Lameness

Around 30- 32% of all adult cattle are lame at any one time, equating to over half a million cows. The cost is estimated at £450 million per year- an average of £42,000 per farm per year, or 3ppl. This is made up of reduced yields, poorer fertility, higher culling rates and reduced cull value, on top of treatment costs. As well as the financial implications, lame cows are in pain so there are also massive welfare implications, something which is especially pertinent in today's climate.

Red Tractor guidelines from 1st October state that dairy health plans must now include a mobility scoring protocol. Regular mobility scoring combined with prompt effective treatment of score 2 and 3 cows has been shown to be the most effective method of reducing lameness on farm.

Our latest newsletter discusses the latest innovations in best practice and knowledge on lameness.


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