Farm - 04-06-2024 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Making the most of forage

NEWSLETTER - Making the most of forage - Click to view full newsletter

Summer has arrived! Hopefully you've found a stretch of dry enough weather to get field work done.

Firstly though, some news hot off the press - DEFRA have announced that they will be providing additional support to those of you who have completed the Annual Health and Welfare Review. In what they are describing as 'bolt-on' funding, they will offer an additional:

- £215 for cattle with no BVD (no positives on test completed)
- £837 for beef cattle where BVD is present in the herd
- £1714 for dairy cattle where BVD is present in the herd

The initial offer paid for the milk/blood samples, BVD testing and some other health/productivity-related task. DEFRA now recognises that once BVD has been identified on farm there are more costs associated with eradication. We've been advised that this extra funding will be available from the summer. Eligible farms will have completed the AHWR. It's not too late to apply for the AHWR and as with this 'bolt-on', the implication is that it will open the door to other avenues of funding in the future. 

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