Farm - 29-09-2021 - Ben Jowett BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Mental Health awareness

It is impossible to ignore the subject of mental health in our community. The media in general, and increasingly  the farming media, report the ever-heightening incidence of anxiety, depression and  suicide.

Shockingly, on average 1 farmer dies by suicide every week in the UK. Farmers and those working in the agricultural industry are identified as professions very much at risk for poor mental health. Long hours, solitary work, financial stress and historically, an unwillingness to talk about difficulties can all contribute to feeling down and desperate. Among other vulnerable occupations are vets, also near to the top of the list. Vets are 3.5 times more likely to die by suicide than members of the general population. Sadly, almost all vets will know a close personal friend with suicidal tendencies.

We hope, within the scope of this newsletter, to talk openly about how to recognize signs of poor mental health and discuss how we can possibly help each other and how you can help yourself. We are all in this together. This is an important topic that would benefit from more open discussion and we want to engage with you without sounding patronising.

What does the term Mental Health mean?

Before we begin it is important to know: Mental health is not the same as mental illness

All of us have mental health, which is like (and linked with) our physical health. Just like physical health, if we devote time and energy to it we can improve our mental health and mental resilience. It can change over time as our lives and circumstances change around us.   

So, CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST EDITION OF OUR NEWSLETTER as we explore this further and highlight where help available.




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Farm - 28-11-2019 - Beatrice Yates BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Mental Health Awareness

How is your mental health?

I hope I haven't lost you already- please stay with me!

It is impossible to ignore the subject of mental health at the moment. The media in general and increasingly the farming media report the ever-heightening incidence of anxiety, depression and suicide. Shockingly, more than 1 farmer dies by suicide every week in the UK. Farmers, and those working in the agricultural industry, are very much at risk of mental health disorders. Long hours, solitary work, financial stress and historically, an unwillingness to talk about hard times can all contribute to feeling down and desperate. Among other vulnerable occupations, vets are near the top of the list. Vets are 3.5 times more likely to die by suicide than members of the general population. I myself know members of my university year group that have died as a result of suicide. 

I would like, within the scope of this newsletter, to talk openly about how to recognize signs of poor mental health and discuss how we can possibly help each other and how you can help yourself. We are all in this together. This is an important topic that would benefit from more open discussion, hopefully most of you know me well enough to recognise that this comes from a place of good will and not patronisation!


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