Farm - 07-11-2019 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Seasonal Changes

A new approach to Pneumonia

Dechra has revealed dramatic results from a farm study which has shown how antibiotic use can be safely reduced in calves, boosting welfare and cutting costs without impacting productivity.  The findings have demonstrated that use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory such as Solacyl at times of high stress can avoid the need to routinely turn to antimicrobials, which have traditionally been the first line of defence against diseases such as pneumonia, one of the biggest problems in calf rearing. Led by vet Owen Atkinson, of the Dairy Veterinary Consultancy, the study took place on three farms rearing for Meadow Quality Ltd, across four cohorts of animals. The headline finding was that using Solacyl as a first line treatment, under the cascade, reduced antibiotic use by more than 40% without any significant impact on mortality rates.

Just one of the articles covered in our November Newsletter - click here for more

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