Farm - 08-03-2023 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Newsletter - Achieving success this spring

SHEEP NEWSLETTER - click to view

Achieving Success this Spring

Spring is around the corner; some may be nearing the tail end of the busy lambing season and some may just be starting. In either case, now is the key time to be thinking about an effective and economic rearing plan to get the most return from the long hours spent getting lambs on the ground.

Hitting targets

Weaning: between 8-12 weeks depending on...

Ewe BCS: 90% of ewes with BCS 2-2.5 at weaning, leaner ewes will benefit from early weaning.

Grass growth: as lambs near weaning (e.g. 8 weeks) energy realised from grass overtakes that from milk, capitalise on abundant grass growth with early weaning to benefit both lambs and ewe

Monitor growth

Lamb growth rates: aim for >200g a day based on an 8 week weight, concern over lower growth rates should prompt consideration for early weaning and issues such as under-nutrition or worm burdens. 

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