Farm - 03-06-2019 - Ian Cardiff BSc MSc BVMS MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Newsletter - External Parasites

External parasites are a year-round issue for all ages of stock. Effective prevention and control involve three areas of management:

1. Biosecurity - The easiest route into a flock is hitching a ride on newly purchased animals. Treat for Scab and internal parasites on arrival, then keep separate from the main flock for at least 21 days. Buying in from known, trusted sources is ideal. 

2. Inspection/examination - Regular, routine flock inspection will allow for early detection and containment of any parasitic outbreak. Look for signs of rubbing, scratching, loss of fleece or poor body condition.

3. Handling - During routine handling for management procedures, be alert to signs of poor fleece quality or areas of skin inflammation and damage.

Read this Summer's Sheep newsletter which covers Sheep scab, Lice, Ticks, Keds, Blowfly strike and Headfly.


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