Farm - 29-08-2019 - Beatrice Yates BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Signals

Ian CardiffSheep will try the patience of even the most experienced shepherd. They escape, they get stuck in ridiculous places and have a propensity for sudden death. All of this means they take some looking after!
In order to have a good quality of life, sheep require;

  • Freely available, fresh, appropriate food
  • Clean water
  • Enough space to lie comfortably 
  • The opportunity to express normal behaviour 
  • Freedom from sickness and disease

Sheep need to be checked regularly so problems are identified quickly, once a day as a minimum. The idea behind 'Sheep Signals' is to use everyday observations to your advantage in order to spot problems early. When you observe a group of animals, try to do so with an open mind. Looking is not the same as watching. Make observations when checking a group of sheep, then come up with a reason for that observation. 

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