Farm - 31-01-2019 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Youngstock Convention March 2019

This year we are going to host a youngstock convention on Wednesday 6th March at Eastwood Park, WUE, GL12 8DA just off J14 M5, 10:00-16:00. The aim is to provide a forum for knowledge transfer and networking for all parties involved in the supply chain. So, everyone is welcome!

Whether you are a dairy rearing your own replacements, a calf rearer, a suckler herd or a flyer herd selling calves at 6w, there will be something for you. FULL DETAILS HERE IN OUR FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER

If you are interested then you can visit our convention page on the website where you will find our booking form

thank you to those supporting this event

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Farm - 07-01-2019 - Jason Vernon - 0 comments
Youngstock Convention March 2019

The George Farm Vets invite you to join us at our Youngstock Convention on 6th March at Eastwood Park, Falfield. It's a fantastic opportunity bringing together vets, farmers, producers and industry suppliers for a day of knowledge transfer and networking. Between 10am and 3pm you'll have the benefit of key speakers, trade stands and lunch included within the ticket price of just £8 incl. VAT). Group discounts are also available, so please let colleagues and friends know about the event. 

Booking is easy through our online form on our dedicated convention page.

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