News - 19-12-2022 - - 0 comments
Investors in the Environment - Silver award

We are delighted to announce that we have now received our SILVER accreditation following our recent audit with Investors in the Environment, having been awarded bronze in 2021. It's something which we are all particularly proud of having demonstrated our commitment by calculating a carbon footprint for the business. We also set and achieved targets on energy, waste, biodiversity initiatives and community and staff engagement. It's a fantastic achievement for the group and, at the time of achieving there are only 12 veterinary practices to have aquired the ultimate next level GREEN award and we now sit alongside 8 others with this SILVER award. Given there are 4,000 practices in the UK, we're very proud. 

Find out more about just some of our initiatives here 

You can also find out more about the IIE accreditation by clicking the pic below.

IIE silver accreditation

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