Pig - 07-09-2017 - - 0 comments
Oxford Sandy and Black Pig Group

Alex was invited recently to present on pig health issues for smaler scale producers at an event organised by the Oxford Sandy and Black Group. It was an enjoyable day for Alex which was well attended, and the comments and feedback to the organiser demonstrated a heartfelt appreciation of Alex's contribution.

"Your guest speakers offered genuine help and support. We could have listened to the lady vet all day with her knowledge and her ability to put forward information about pig health in a matter of fact way,which could be understood."  

"what a wonderful event - would love to listen more to that excellent vet!"

"Big THANK YOU to all who made it a great day, it was so informative and very helpful I enjoyed it immensely"

"a very interesting and informative day, really enjoyed the vet and look forward to the next pig health day"

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