Pig - 11-12-2018 - Anne Warzecha - 0 comments
Post Weaning Diarrhoea

Since the heat wave of summer until now, with slightly frosty temperatures, it's been a challenge for our pig husbandry and we have received a number of calls to investigate increased post-weaning diarrhoea in the last 6 months. Why are pigs after weaning so susceptible to scour? Weaning and the following days after are the most stressful times in the life of a pig. It has little immunity, after having been taken away from the sow and litter mates, batched according to size and sex in a different environment. Piglets need to find food and water as well as to adjust to the new environment where they need to establish a 'pecking order' which has the effect of reducing crucial feed and water intake too. At weaning the piglet has to adjust to a solid diet and can´t rely anymore on the milk provided by the sow. 

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