Veterinary - 16-07-2021 - - 0 comments
19th July and beyond - remaining Covid-secure

Remaining covid-secure after 19th July

It is important to acknowledge our continued commitment to remaining Covid-secure, to protect our team and clients. Many are not yet double-jabbed and so a staged reduction in removing measures will reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid-19. With the commitment both you and we have put in, we don't want to ruin it all by simply removing all restrictions.


  • Clients will be welcomed back into the consulting rooms - masks should be worn (except those exempt)
  • We continue to ask all visitors to wear a mask in our waiting areas too
  • We will increase the number of chairs available in our clinic waiting areas as school holidays are on us and understand that children may need to accompany parents
  • We ask clients to arrive with no more than one adult per pet, to limit numbers of people
  • The one-way system at Malmesbury will be removed and High Street entrance reinstated - if arriving from the Cross Hayes, simply press the electric door pad to open door
  • At Tetbury, we are now working to complete our refurbishment and so the doorbell and locked door will continue in use until the Client Care team move to their new area at the end of the week
  • Collecting medicines will no longer require an appointment

Please do not come to the practice if you are showing any recognised symptoms of Covid-19. We are not out of the woods yet!    



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