DISCOUNTED MICROCHIPPING FOR CATS. While the microchipping of dogs became law in 2016, the same does not currently apply to cats. Unfortunately we are seeing an increasing number of cats being brought into us that appear to have lost their way, and we have been unable to find a microchip or when we do the contact details are out of date. Increasingly, the best chance for reunification is the goodwill of those sharing our Facebook posts to see if we can reach a successful conclusion and return pets to their rightful owners. We are offering 25% off the microchipping of cats until Christmas to see if we can reduce the amount of stress to the cats and their worried owners. Call and make your appointment at any of our clinics. For just £15 you will ensure a limetime's peace of mind for your family.
Do remember too that once your pet has been "chipped" it's important to update your contact details whenever your pet's place of residence changes. Out of date information can prevent a swift return home or any at all.