Veterinary - 15-03-2018 - - 0 comments
Blood donors required - your dog could save lives

Pet hero and lifesaver TWICE! A huge thank you to Bertie who gave his last donation of blood at the weekend. Dogs have to meet stringent criteria to be able to donate the blood which could be a lifesaver for any number of reasons for an injured or sick pet.

Donor dogs must:

  • be fit and healthy, aged between 1-8 years, fully vaccinated and weigh more than 25 kgs 
  • have a good temperament
  • have never travelled abroad
  • never have had puppies
  • never have received a transfusion of blood

Donors will always be treated with respect and sensitivity with donations taken in a way so as to minimise any anxiety or discomfort. The whole process of donation takes between 40-60 mins and by way of thanks we also offer your pet's next booster and healthcheck free of charge.

Your pet's donation could really make a difference to another family pet. Please call us for more information.


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