Veterinary - 16-06-2023 - Dr Catherine Mellor BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Cat microchips - new laws from June 2024

Download PDF here - Is your cat microchipped?

What's changing?

From 10th June 2024, it will be compulsory for all cats to have a microchip implanted by the time they reach 20 weeks of age. If a cat is found to not have a microchip, the owner will have 21 days to have one implanted or may face a fine of up to £500.

What is a microchip?

They are small implants about the size of a grain of rice that are inserted under your pet's skin. They provide a form of permanent identification by storing a unique identification number.

How is it used?

If your cat unfortunately goes missing and is taken to a vet or an animal shelter, we scan the cat for a microchip and see a number unique to the animal. This is the only detail that comes up on the reader. We would then input the number to a registration database to see the owner's details and get in contact to reunite you with your pet. It is very important the contact details are kept up to date so you can be easily reached.

It is useful for all cats as even indoor cats can escape or go missing. Your cat may already wear a collar, but these may can fall off or be intentionally removed; there is a much greater chance of reuniting the cat with its owner with additional forms of identification.

How do I know if my cat is microchipped?

If you are unsure whether your cat already has a microchip and you are coming into the clinic over the coming months, please ask us to scan your cat at the time and we can advise whether your cat already has a microchip. Otherwise, you can make an appointment for us to scan your cat and implant a microchip if you know that they don't currently have one.


When should I get my cat microchipped?

As the implant is slightly larger than most injections for cats, we often do it at the same time as other procedures undergoing sedation or general anaesthetic, for example neutering. If your cat is due to have any procedure, then we can do it at the same time.

If your cat isn't due for a procedure but is coming in for a vaccination over the next year, then this is also a good opportunity to limit trips to the vets that your cat might find stressful. Please advise us when booking the appointment if you would like this done and check that your details with us are correct as this is where we would register the microchip to. Otherwise, we can book your cat in for you at your convenience, with either the vets or nurses, to scan and implant a microchip.




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