Veterinary - 06-08-2020 - - 0 comments
Veterinary Services added to the list for face coverings

Please wear a mask when visiting us

From 8 August the places in which the public will have to wear a face covering will be expanded to include veterinary services. Many of you have already been wearing these both inside and outside our practices, but from Saturday it becomes mandatory and we ask that you come prepared. Our teams are already advising this ahead of appointments to ensure that we continue do everything we can to keep all visitors and our teams protected.

We continue to review our own risk assessments to maintain a Covid Secure workplace. Please continue to help us stay protected. Thank you!

For additional details please follow this link to the Gov.UK webpages on the new additions which include:


  • funeral directors
  • premises providing professional, legal or financial services
  • cinemas
  • theatres
  • bingo halls
  • concert halls
  • museums, galleries, aquariums, indoor zoos or visitor farms, or other indoor tourist, heritage or cultural sites.
  • nail, beauty, hair salons and barbers - other than where necessary to remove for treatments
  • massage centres
  • public areas in hotels and hostels
  • place of worship
  • libraries and public reading rooms
  • community centres
  • social clubs
  • tattoo and piercing parlours
  • indoor entertainment venues (amusement arcades, funfairs, adventure activities e.g. laser quest, go-karting, escape rooms, heritage sites etc)
  • storage and distribution facilities
  • veterinary services
  • auction houses



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