T: 01666 823035

E: farm@georgevetgroup.co.uk

We have a wide range of experience in caring for the variety of sheep enterprises in the South West. We conduct individual flock health meetings throughout the year to ensure that best practice is in place before the tupping and lambing seasons, as well as offering advice on growing lamb care, based around disease control and other health issues.  All the usual health care essentials are also catered for in respect to worming, vaccination policies and fire-brigade work.

We have a new Sheep Discussion Group aimed at larger flocks, to encourage a more pro-active approach to health planning.  If you would like to attend or receive more details of upcoming meetings please contact the office on 01666 823035.

Download our SHEEP WORMING PLANNER - Use it as a guide and call us if you have any questions. 


We also offer a LAMBING COURSE

Organic production

We are aware of the different challenges facing our organic clients, and are experienced in working within the organic regulations. Our focus on preventative medicine ties in closely with the organic principles, and it is an approach we encourage on all farms, organic and conventional.



Livestock Health Products


Latest News

Sheep newsletter - Infectious abortion in sheep

26-02-2025 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS

Abortion in sheep is a major cause of flock losses across the UK, leading to significant financial and welfare challenges. ...

Bluetongue virus

19-02-2025 -

Unfortunately, with the advent of spring parasite season will soon be upon us. It's worth planning ahead for risks - particularly Bluetongue virus. ...

Beef newsletter

19-02-2025 -

Pre-calving blood tests offer valuable diagnostic insights into the metabolic status of your cows. ...

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