T: 01666 823035
E: farm@georgevetgroup.co.uk
The importance of youngstock care has long been overlooked in the overall farming system. However, changes you make at this crucial stage will have dramatic effects later in terms of production. Rearing a replacement heifer is the second highest cost on a unit and small changes can have a huge impact on the bottom line.
Kat Hart reared dairy replacement youngstock whilst working at home and so realises the importance of practical, time-effective solutions to common calf problems. Her passion for this area has led her across the globe, contributing to the Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference in Wisconsin and furthering her study in Utrecht. She has also increased the evidence base by studying the link between colostrum hygiene, management and calf health.
Monitor, measure and improve to invest in the next generation. Our innovative calf management package provides expert veterinary advice and veterinary technician services to our clients at an affordable price. It also offers reduced fees on routine vet tech services to allow calf health and management to be improved via a coordinated team approach.
Approximately £75 - depending on numbers in attendance
This one-day course is conducted by Kat and has been very successful. Topics including calving, colostrum, diseases and weaning are all covered in detail, followed by an afternoon session to employ practical skills. A stethoscope and thermometer are also included in the price thereby affording you the opportunity to utilise new skills as soon as you arrive home as you adopt a systematic approach to the sick calf and utilise your knowledge of the 5 Qs of Colostrum on your farms.
We offer a full housing assessment including air speed, humidity and temperature. In addition, a risk assessment of draught and air movements can be undertaken if pneumonia is a problem. We can also offer design advice if you are considering a new build! Kat's knowledge in this area has been enhanced further through training in "Calf Barn Supplemental Positive Pressure Tube Ventilation Design" run by Ken Nordland of the Dairyland Initiative, University of Wisconsin. In addition she has worked with national expert Jamie Robertson.
At the George Farm Vets we provide a complete genetic analysis and testing service through Clarifide and Clarifide plus. This allows our dairy clients to fully understand the genetic strengths and weaknesses of their herd, then, using genomic testing of maiden heifers animals can be selected to improve key areas of production.
The AHDB herd genetic analysis is the starting point in which, data from breeding records and production data of your herd, shows where your herd is in relation to yield, milk quality, cell count, fertility performance and much more. From this we can tailor heifer and bull selection to improve the genetic potential of the herd.Prediction of performance of maiden heifers can be difficult with predictions based on parent average only being ~30% reliable. With a simple tissue sample from the ear the genetic code of a heifer can be examined, and reliability of the data received is >70%. This allows you to make better breeding decisions and improve the genetic progress of you herd. A tailored genetic index can be set using your specific goals and we can use this to select the best heifers to breed from.If you would like to discuss genetic analysis or start genomic testing of your herd, please contact us at the practice.
26-02-2025 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS
Abortion in sheep is a major cause of flock losses across the UK, leading to significant financial and welfare challenges. ...
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Unfortunately, with the advent of spring parasite season will soon be upon us. It's worth planning ahead for risks - particularly Bluetongue virus. ...
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Pre-calving blood tests offer valuable diagnostic insights into the metabolic status of your cows. ...