There's a season full of colour ahead from the changing leaves to the bursts of fireworks across the skyline
A reflection on summer and what may slight be wise to consider from vet Ben Sellick
Join us for a session in technical XC challenges with Olympic Gold medallist Matt Ryan
The nights are drawing in and tupping time is approaching once again - some early lambers may even have already put the rams in.
Our brand new clinic in Nailsworth opened to welcome pets and owners on 13th August.
We present a summary of results for Gloucestershire in the year to March 31st 2018
The full results are in and we're very proud of all the performances at the annual event held in Tetbury.
As the weather looks to be staying hot for a few more weeks yet, now is the time to get on top of hygiene.
Building works are underway on our new veterinary clinic which opens in Nailsworth this August.
We 're delighted to welcome Alice Croxford BVM BVS MRCVS to the equine team.
The weather has been really hotting up lately, which is good news for getting your silage in, but not such good news for your cows, particularly in dairy herds.
Mastitis in ewes can be a significant cost to a flock, both economically and in terms of animal welfare.
We are delighted to be the first farm practice awarded with the new NMR Johne's Control award.
Launching the newsletter a little earlier on this occasion to get us all in the mood for the summer ahead.
You may have seen my newsletter a couple of years ago, in which I discussed the importance of responsible use of antimicrobials.
Unfortunately, we are currently managing a dog which we believe has the condition referred to as "Alabama Rot".
There's a lot to tell you about in this season's update from The George Equine Clinic.
Hopefully the cold snap is well behind us now as we look forward to extended daylight hours and a warmer season ahead.
Digital dermatitis is an extremely contagious, erosive infection of cattle skin caused by Treponeme bacteria.
We'd like to pass a huge debt of thanks to Bertie the Labrador who gave his last donation of blood at the weekend.
At The George Equine Clinic, we want to help you give your horses a long, fit and healthy life. This month's newsletter is a neat summary of who we are and the benefits of choosing our team to look after your horses.
With a team that includes three FEI treating veterinarians, two advanced practitioners and also current and former competition riders we are ideally placed to help you get the best from your sports horse.
From the competition horse to the retired horse, we care. We are committed to delivering continuity of care, with the same vet seeing each case from start to finish, ensuring the very best treatment for your horse.
We have recently launched our own online store where you can access equine health products trusted and used by The George Equine Clinic.
In light of the recent conditions we've been suffering and with lambing either underway or looming Ben talks survival tactics for the lambs, ewes and maybe for some of you at this tricky time of year!
The Alta Dairy Manager School is coming to Tortworth Court with one of the most thought provoking speakers in our industry, Dr. Steve Eicker.
IfA's livestock team will be on-hand to explain to you, in plain terms, what antibiotic resistance actually means and why there is a demand on the industry to reduce the use of antibiotics in livestock.
A few weeks ago, Ian was lucky enough to visit the U.S.A as part of an Advanced Dairy Vet Group.
Sunday 25th March 2018: 10am - 2pm. In aid of Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Wiltshire Young Farmers
A warm welcome to Hayley Hughes (RVN) and Hannah Papenfus (VCA).
We welcomed the Malmesbury Beavers to their own exclusive tour recently.
The definition of a 'down' cow varies but perhaps the simplest one is "a cow that is recumbent (lying down) and unable to stand".
Dates for the diary : Beef Meeting, Medicine Handling Course, Calf Course and Lambing Course
The first of 6 featurettes aired on the BBC's Countryfile last Sunday.
Tuesday 20th March - The Painted Horse in work, with international dressage rider Abbie Newbury
Mastitis is a wide-ranging disease that all dairy farmers will experience at some point.
We're delighted to welcome Anne Warzecha to the Pig Practice team.
Here is our latest published article from the Ridgeway Rider magazine
What should you avoid feeding to your pigs to keep them from the risk of a notifiable disease such as African swine fever
Snow has fallen, winter has arrived and so has our seasonal news update from the team.
A little bit of fun with a chance to win a lovely prize. Go on, take a break and have a go.
The MilkSure initiative is for British dairy farmers. Its mission is to safeguard the production of wholesome milk which is free of veterinary medicine residues.
There are any number of reasons for a ewe to be in poor condition. Some may be related to the demands of production, some due to old age and some due to disease.
This year's Pig Fair was our most successful yet with well over 200 people attending across the two days.
A big thank you to everyone who came to our recent equine event at Malmesbury Town Hall.
Held at London's Lancaster hotel the National Pig Awards recognises excellence in contribution to the pig farming industry.
Kat came back from maternity leave recently; she reflects on the changes she's noticed in her time off.
Here's an opportunity to let the veterinary industry know just how much you appreciate us.
The team is delighted to have been shortlisted as a finalist at this year's awards.
October's focus for the newsletter from the Farm Vets is Hypocalcemia (Milk Fever).
Leaves are changing colour and falling. Autumn is calling!
Recently, Alex Thomsett was invited to talk about pig health issues for smaller scale producers.
Most of you will have seen us performing LDA or RDA operations at some point but you may not be aware of what is going on while our arm is inside the cow.
What a great day. One of just a 12 DPM holders on the register in the UK.
Our latest newsletter is now available
Research is being undertaken into a new and emerging disease in dairy cattle, Ischaemic Teat Necrosis (ITN).
With acquisition of new state-of-the-art equipment, the Pig Team are developing a service, available to all clients, which will provide facilities for Real Time ultrasound scanning for pregnancy diagnosis and as part of investigations into reproductive failure.
Two topics - Cow value and summer mastitis, covered by Vet Ian Cardiff.
Achieving the correct Body Condition Score (BCS) at the appropriate stage of the cow's production cycle is vital to maximize both the health and profitability of your beef or dairy cows.
Store Lambs' margins are always very tight, small changes can be the difference between profit and loss.
Kennel Cough, allergies, dental care, flystrike and parasites - all in one edition
May's newsletter from the Farm Vets looks at the incidence of twins
One for the team!
Chris Warren addresses the importance of biosecurity on farm and where the greatest threats lie.