T: 01666 823355

E: pigteam@georgevetgroup.co.uk

Dates for your Diary 2023

AHDB/NPA Events:

For most meetings listed a member of the team will be in attendance. More meetings locations at http://pork.ahdb.org.uk/events/ 

Dates for the diary:

Please email Andrea Tranter at NPA to confirm your place at your preferred regional event below.  All regional meetings will have the same updates from NPA staff and AHDB. 


AHDB Pork Meetings  - Topic - find out how  high health, nucleus pig herds keep diseases out. 

For other events contact Angie on

01666 823355 / angie.reeves@georgevetgroup.co.uk / fax 01666 827897


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GVG Medicines Training Course

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We are pleased to confirm that we have a Red Tractor approved medicines training course. This course will enable you to meet the new requirement....

Vaccination and medicines

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Vaccination and medication are an integral part of pig production, allowing pig owners to deliver high welfare and high health pigs, whether in large scale production systems or as smaller scale producers....

Avian Flu

09-12-2020 - Richard Pearson BVSc MRCVS

If you are a pig keeper within a restriction zone and, have poultry on your holding, movements are automatically restricted for all other mammalian species on the holding. ...

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