Farm - 26-02-2025 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep newsletter - Infectious abortion in sheep

Abortion in sheep is a major cause of flock losses across the UK, leading to significant financial and welfare challenges. 

Farm - 19-02-2025 - - 0 comments
Bluetongue virus

Unfortunately, with the advent of spring parasite season will soon be upon us. It's worth planning ahead for risks - particularly Bluetongue virus. 

Farm - 19-02-2025 - - 0 comments
Beef newsletter

Pre-calving blood tests offer valuable diagnostic insights into the metabolic status of your cows. 

Equine - 17-02-2025 - - 0 comments
Client Evening 1st April 2025

Keeping your horse healthy! We're looking forward to seeing you at another informative equine client evening in April.

Equine - 06-11-2024 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine Client Quiz

Bring your friends along and enjoy another of our quizzes on 20th November

Farm - 05-11-2024 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
TB discussion in the Veterinary press

We discuss "It is impossible to meet our officially bTB-free targets with the current testing policy' 

Farm - 31-10-2024 - - 0 comments
Weaning Calves this Autumn

We look at how to achieve the smoothest wean, whether that be for the suckler herd or the dairy calf, considering the nutritional level and stocking density. 

Equine - 23-10-2024 - - 0 comments
Seasonal update from the equine team

We welcome a couple of new members to the team and share news of our upcoming client evening.

Farm - 03-10-2024 - - 0 comments
Cattle newsletter - Cattle handling and Safety

This month, we're diving into cattle handling and safety. With dehorning and castration season just around the corner, it's a perfect time to chat about making those routines smoother for everyone involved. 

Farm - 01-10-2024 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep newsletter - Tackling wormer resistance

Worm burdens are all too familiar a territory to sheep producers but become an ever more persistent burden to the industry. 

Farm - 16-09-2024 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments

Ketosis is a condition caused by the cattle being in Negative Energy Balance (NEB), typically around calving when the start of lactation causes energy demands to increase dramatically.  

Farm - 16-09-2024 - - 0 comments
Young Dairy Farm Vet of the Year - Will Balhatchet

Some of the team were able to join Will when he was recently awarded Young Dairy Farm Vet of the Year at the 2024 Cream Awards.

Farm - 02-08-2024 - Sarah Smith BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Maximising AI results

In the latest newsletter we explore some of the positive results from those undertaking AI refreshers. We also look at an increased risk of Lungworm recently.

Farm - 03-07-2024 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
TB discussion in the Veterinary Press

'It is impossible to meet our officially bTB-free targets with the current testing policy'  - a statement recently made in an opinion piece submitted to the Vet Record.     

Farm - 27-06-2024 - - 0 comments
Beef newsletter - Grazing planning for a tricky season

Making the most of the grazing is the most financially impactful step a livestock farm can make. Grazing grass is the cheapest feed stuff, yet it can be full of quality nutrition for growing stock as well as suckler cows.  

Farm - 17-06-2024 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Why it's important to calibrate your Brix refractometer

Kat Hart features in the latest FARMERS WEEKLY on the importance of cleaning and calibrating a Brix refractometer every time it is used.

Farm - 04-06-2024 - Fien Coudenys MRCVS - 0 comments
Abortion in ewes and how to prevent it

As you are probably aware, we have seen many cases of Schmallenberg this year in England. Numerous farmers have had to deal with deformed lambs and high mortality rates. 

Farm - 04-06-2024 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Making the most of forage

Before the main newsletter, DEFRA have announced that they will be providing additional support to those of you who have completed the Annual Health and Welfare Review. 

Veterinary - 09-05-2024 - - 0 comments
Delighted to be Outstanding!

We are delighted to have been assessed as "Outstanding" for our Small Animal In-patient care and also for Small Animal Environmental Sustainability.

Farm - 08-05-2024 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Cattle Abortions

This month we cover the main culprits and the key things to bear in mind when faced with the challenge of abortion. 

Equine - 17-04-2024 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine Newsletter - Spring 24

Body condition scroring - With Spring grass on its way, this is a good time to body condition score your Equine to see if they are at optimum weight! 

Farm - 05-04-2024 - Zoe Williams BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Cattle Vaccinations - Update

Effective vaccination protocols are becoming increasingly important as we push for lower levels of disease and antibiotic usage.  

Veterinary - 12-03-2024 - - 0 comments
CMA review

Following on from the CMA published report today The George Veterinary Group welcomes the formal market investigation announced.   

Farm - 11-03-2024 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Newsletter- Key performance indicators and Schmallenberg update

Using data to drive management decisions and improve productivity, I am keen to emphasize the metrics you can record over the coming lambing period and beyond. 

Farm - 11-03-2024 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Fly Control - Cattle newsletter

One thing that is inevitable are flies. Although it seems early now is a good time to think about fly control. 

News - 15-02-2024 - - 0 comments
We've been awarded Silver from Investors in the Environment

Having achieved our bronze award in 2021, we have continued our commitment towards a more sustainable future with a silver award in 2022 and 2023.

Farm - 01-02-2024 - Ellie Body BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Parasite Control - Why it is important to have a plan

It's been an interesting winter so far, with turnout hopefully just round the corner. Now's the time to think about how you're going to control parasites this grazing season. 

Farm - 01-02-2024 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef Newsletter - The Importance of preventative medicine

In Feb we are holding two beef benchmarking meetings. With the start of the calving season fast approaching it is a suitable time to highlight the importance of data collection on beef farms. 

Farm - 28-12-2023 - Will Sommerville BVMedSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Vet Tech Services

With skilled farm labour hard to find and making time for tasks on farm often difficult, our vet techs can help by doing some of the jobs that often get pushed back. 

Farm - 12-12-2023 - Sarah Smith BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Fluke, Bluetongue and metabolic profiling

Bluetongue is a viral disease which affects sheep, cattle, other ruminant species such as deer and goats, and camelids. 

Farm - 12-12-2023 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Farm Newsletter - Pneumonia season

Pneumonia season is well underway - I'd like to encourage prompt use of a thermometer whenever you have the slightest suspicion that a calf is looking under the weather. 

Equine - 16-11-2023 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Autumn newsletter from the equine team

Introductions, goodbyes and another Client Evening just around the corner

Farm - 07-11-2023 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Farm Newsletter - Advanced Breeding

Over the last two years the embryo services offered at the George have grown to provide a number of options on farm for improving genetic gain and exploring alternative breeding options.   

Farm - 07-11-2023 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Vet Attestation - Farm Vets update

The "Vet Attestation" or Statutory Health Attestation is a new veterinary certification that will be required from the 13th  December 2023. This is required to allow products of animal origins to be exported to the EU.  

Farm - 03-10-2023 - Joe Reskelly BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Liver fluke in cattle

As we approach housing and an acute risk period we should all be thinking about liver fluke. 

Veterinary - 08-09-2023 - - 0 comments
Have your say - Competition and Markets Authority questionnaire

We strongly encourage both our clients and team members to take part in the forum to present a fully rounded picture of your experiences to the CMA 

Farm - 05-09-2023 - Zoe Williams BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Using data to drive management decisions and improve productivity

After two successful sheep benchmarking meetings recently and with the start of the tupping season fast approaching, now seems like the right time to highlight how important record keeping and data collection can be. 

Farm - 17-08-2023 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Calf housing matters and making the most of RPA grants

Good calf housing is key to having healthy calves 

Farm - 31-07-2023 - Ben Jowett BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Sudden death in cattle

Sudden death in cattle is a worrying but fortunately rare event on farm. However, it is important to be able to recognise, prevent and sometimes treat the causes of unexpected deaths.  

Farm - 25-07-2023 - - 0 comments
Training Courses

A short summary of our training courses from the farm team for the remainder of 2023

Farm - 13-07-2023 - Fien Coudenys and Ellie Body - 0 comments
Smallholder newsletter

A smallholder visit includes discussions which include housing, nutrition, body condition scoring, vaccination planning, parasite control and other important things! 

Farm - 05-07-2023 - Sarah Metcalfe BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Feet update and Heat Stress - Summer newsletter

Since running the BCVA Lantra Accredited foot trimming courses, Sarah shares a few tips for applying blocks which wil prove useful. 

Farm - 05-07-2023 - Joe Reskelly BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef newsletter - making the most out of the pathway

We shed some light on what we at The George Farm Vets can offer our clients with the new Animal Health and Welfare Pathway Scheme, and how best to use the money from the government

Equine - 23-06-2023 - Jenny Hindmarsh MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine newsletter - Summer 23

What have we been up to, and what's ahead? Find out more in our latest newsletter along with articles on laminitis and cracked feet.

Veterinary - 16-06-2023 - Dr Catherine Mellor BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Cat microchips - new laws from June 2024

From 10th June 2024, it will be compulsory for all cats to have a microchip implanted by the time they reach 20 weeks of age. If a cat is found to not have a microchip, the owner will have 21 days to have one implanted or may face a fine of up to £500.

Farm - 06-06-2023 - - 0 comments
Managing ewes pre-tupping

Ewes reach peak milk yield three to four weeks post lambing and so they need good quality grass to this point. If this isn't available, supplementation is necessary to meet the growing nutritional demands of the lambs at foot.  

Farm - 01-06-2023 - Fien Coudenys MRCVS - 0 comments
Heat Stress in Cattle

The temperature comfort zone or 'thermoneutral zone' for a cow ranges from -15°C to +25°C. Outside this range, cows have to use coping mechanisms to maintain a stable core temperature. 

Farm - 15-05-2023 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Bovine Tuberculosis update

The last 12 months has seen more changes to the UK's TB policy and so here is a brief update on what the current state of 'TB' affairs looks like. 

Farm - 18-04-2023 - - 0 comments
Smallholders News

It's Spring and so lambing and kidding is in full swing. We also take a look at poisonous plants and separately you will find a focus on pig vaccination.

Farm - 05-04-2023 - Jonah Dickie BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Animal Health and Welfare Pathway Now Live

The Animal Health and Welfare Pathway (AHWP) is a new government plan introduced as part of the Sustainable Farming Initiative.  

Equine - 04-04-2023 - Joanna Gillingham BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Spring newsletter from The Equine Vets

Round up of seasonal topics and events from the equine vets at The George

Farm - 08-03-2023 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Sheep Newsletter - Achieving success this spring

Now is the key time to be thinking about an effective and economic rearing plan to get the most return from the long hours spent getting lambs on the ground 

Farm - 08-03-2023 - Tom Oxtoby BVSc CertCHP MRCVS - 0 comments
Semen testing and fly control

As you are all already aware, the quality of your bull or bull semen has a major impact on the fertility performance of your herd. 

Farm - 20-02-2023 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Lungworm in Cattle

As we head towards Spring and turning out cattle there are lots of things to think about pre-turnout. One of these is lungworm. 

Farm - 20-02-2023 - Will Sommerville BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef newsletter - Pre-calving blood sampling

Having a well balanced diet containing the right amount of energy, protein and mineral is a key part of having a productive and healthy herd, especially around calving. 

Farm - 10-01-2023 - Zoe Williams BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Improving detection of pneumonia with lung scanning

We all dread the day walking into the calf shed to find sick calves which are off their feed and showing signs of pneumonia. 

Farm - 23-12-2022 - The George Farm Vets - 0 comments
Smallholders' winter newsletter

Our winter newsletter covers preparing for lambing, clostridial diseases, vitamin D deficiency in alpacas and chicken worming.

Equine - 19-12-2022 - - 0 comments
Equine veterinary visit fees

The cost of fuel, maintenance and the running of our vehicles has significantly increased over the last year. Whilst we have managed to honour our no-fee visits throughout, we have decided to review our daytime visit fees with effect from 1st January 2023.  

News - 19-12-2022 - - 0 comments
Investors in the Environment - Silver award

We are delighted to announce that we have now received our SILVER accreditation following our recent audit with Investors in the Environment, having been awarded bronze in 2021. 

Farm - 28-11-2022 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
To Fluke or not to Fluke

As we have had one of the hottest and driest summers on record we are expecting a lower than normal, or possibly a delayed, liver fluke season. 

Farm - 28-11-2022 - Will Sommerville BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Mastitis - to treat or not to treat

With increasing pressure to reduce antibiotic use, some farms are now opting not to treat clinical mastitis cases. There are situations where this would be a suitable approach but it will not be a good option for all farms. 

Equine - 10-11-2022 - - 0 comments
Equine Newsletter - Autumn 2022

Find out what the team have been up to over the last few months as well as our thoughts on the coming season.

Farm - 04-11-2022 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Calf Care and Nutrition

The most efficient period in a cow's life for converting feed to growth is during the first 2 months of life. This period is critical.

Farm - 21-10-2022 - - 0 comments
Smallholder services

A quick update on all the services we provide to smallholders, with your own newsletter.

Equine - 04-10-2022 - Lizzie Kopec BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Donkey Health Club

Our new Donkey Health Club is launching. An exclusive club with many benefits.  

Farm - 30-09-2022 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Focus on digitial dermatitis

With housing season approaching DD is a condition that is likely to rear its head after a hot dry spell and it would seem an apt time to revisit the mainstay of DD management.  

Farm - 30-09-2022 - Fien Coudenys MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef Group newsletter - Liver Fluke management

With housing around the corner, lots of farms are getting ready to fluke-dose all their cattle. But is this really necessary? 

Farm - 01-09-2022 - - 0 comments
Biosecurity on farm

September brings our focus back to the importance of biosecurity and how preventing new infections benefits health, welfare and production.

Farm - 01-09-2022 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Pre-flight checks as we head towards tupping

The challenging weather conditions experienced across the UK mean that, with tupping just around the corner, it is more important than ever to check the tups and ewes thoroughly before being put to work. 

Farm - 25-07-2022 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Resilience - Farm Vets newsletter Aug 2022

As prices of feed and fertilizers become less predictable, making a business plan resilient is key.  

Equine - 15-07-2022 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine newsletter - summer 2022

Our seasonal update from the equine clinic team with information on acupuncture, vaccinations and behaviour modification. 

Farm - 30-06-2022 - Ben Jowett BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
NSAIDs and Pain Relief

Pain relief is an essential part of caring for any animal but production animals often mask signs of pain and discomfort. Knowing what to use, when to use it and if it has been effective can be a challenge. 

Farm - 30-06-2022 - Zoe Williams BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef Newsletter - maximising calving ease and success

As the busy calving season winds down, now seems a good time to think about how we can make improvements for next year. Maximising calving ease should be a pnonty for any suckler herd as difficult calvings can be extremely costly. 

Farm - 06-06-2022 - Will Sommerville BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments

Blowfly strike is a major animal welfare concern: an average of 1.5% of ewes and 3% of lambs in the UK may be affected each year, despite preventative measures undertaken by most farmers.  

Farm - 01-06-2022 - Sarah Metcalfe BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments

What is Ketosis - this is month's newsletter from the George Farm Vets covers Ketosis and the issues associated with it.

Farm - 05-05-2022 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Changes to Red Tractor Herd Health Plan

Herd health planning can be incredibly useful - it allows farm staff and vets the opportunity to review the past year, find potential issues and  implement a plan to try and improve welfare, productivity and in turn profitability.  

Farm - 05-04-2022 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
TB update - April 2022

Bovine Tuberculosis update for you from The George Farm Vets as well as details on upcoming meetings and launching our inaugural Cow Convention.

Equine - 08-03-2022 - - 0 comments
Equine newsletter Spring 2022

As we emerge from winter into spring there is much we can be doing for our horses.

Veterinary - 07-03-2022 - - 0 comments
Supporting Ukrainian Refugees

We are helping a local vet and friend of the practice who is organising help for two charities in south-east Poland to help those fleeing Ukraine.

Farm - 02-03-2022 - Will Sommerville BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Transition success

We discuss the many changes dairy cattle go through from the day of drying off to reaching peak yield in the following lactation post-calving. 




Farm - 01-02-2022 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Friendly Fly Control

Reducing the fly population through the spring and summer can be a time-consuming headache and the consequences of Summer Mastitis and New Forest Eye are expensive, and frustrating.

Farm - 05-01-2022 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Advanced breeding

On paper, getting a cow in calf is a  simple three step process; bulling (estrus), service and conception. In practice, a multitude of factors commonly result in a frustrating barren cow.   

Veterinary - 23-12-2021 - - 0 comments
Here for you throughout Christmas

Our seasonal opening hours to take you through Christmas safely.

Equine - 01-12-2021 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Autumn Newsletter from The Equine Clinic

Staff updates, events, worming reminder, 2022 pub quiz, PPID and next year's Christmas card are all among the topics covered by the team in our latest edition.

Farm - 26-11-2021 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Iceberg Diseases - Sheep

A recent study suggested that only 5% of UK flocks routinely test for iceberg diseases and therefore a staggering 95% of flocks are not optimising productivity!

Farm - 26-11-2021 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Oral fluid therapy

Have you ever considered how much water a cow requires?

Pig - 10-11-2021 - - 0 comments
GVG Medicines Training Course

We are pleased to confirm that we have a Red Tractor approved medicines training course. This course will enable you to meet the new requirement.

Farm - 09-11-2021 - Will Balhatchet BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Beef newsletter - Breeding checks

Yearling heifers - breeding the best. Heifers are a fundamental component of any breeding plan; they represent both the genetic foundation of future breeding stock and a significant investment in terms of rearing costs. 

Farm - 08-11-2021 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Calf tracker

The recent dry weather has brought with it a large variation in day and night temperatures and many still days; both of which can be a challenge to calf health.  

Equine - 27-10-2021 - - 0 comments
BEVA Trust Veterinary Volunteers help improve Equine Welfare

Read about Jo Gillingham's recent volunteering here and on our Facebook page.

Farm - 29-09-2021 - Ben Jowett BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Mental Health awareness

Awareness, resilience and how to find help in our latest edition of the George Farm Vets newsletter                                  

Equine - 29-09-2021 - Joanna Gillingham BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
Vaccination update

Information correct at time of posting (September 2021) - always check the regulations prior to competitions & events

Farm - 03-09-2021 - Sarah Metcalfe BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS - 0 comments
Feeding cows

Feeding cattle indoors is a fine art and it is often discussed that there 3 possible diets a cow might be eating.

Farm - 03-09-2021 - Kat Hart BVSc BSc Cert AVP(Cattle) MRCVS - 0 comments
Youngstock Convention September 2021

Are you coming along? We are joined this year by 4 speakers and a host of companies from the industry.  

Farm - 29-07-2021 - Keir Hamilton BVM&S MRCVS - 0 comments
Sudden death in cattle

Sudden death in cattle is a distressing event and always a cause of concern on farm.  

Farm - 21-07-2021 - Ben Sellick BVSc MRCVS - 0 comments
TB Testing - update

Following a consultation in 2018, DEFRA announced that default 6 monthly TB surveillance testing of cattle herds with Official Tuberculosis Free status (OTF) would replace annual testing in the High Risk Area (HRA) of England.

Veterinary - 16-07-2021 - - 0 comments
19th July and beyond - remaining Covid-secure

With the commitment both you and we have put in, we don't want to ruin it all by simply removing all restrictions.



Equine - 24-06-2021 - Meghan Moore BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Equine newsletter - summer21

Summer is upon us and with it our latest edition of the newsletter from the Equine Clinic team.  

Farm - 08-06-2021 - Will Sommerville BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS - 0 comments
Farm Vets Newsletter - June 2021

I imagine that most of you would have had a conversation about shed ventilation with us at some point.  

Farm - 08-06-2021 - Joe Pescod BVetMed MRCVS - 0 comments
Finishing lambs

You have counted up your lambs, and down your ewes. Now you have the pleasure of seeing the lambs out at grass looking strong.  


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